Hello folks! I've been absent again, I know, but my really good excuse is, my computer isn't working, my camera (well, Mum's camera) won't produce good pictures (they look fine on the screen, but awfully blurry on my computer! >.<) and I have exams. Expect some longer posts in 2 to 3 weeks - if my Japanese friends don't ALL come at the same time and leave me bsuy showing them through Berlin. xD Since I already have many eye shadows, I have now started to get into lip products. Usually, I just take whatever Lip Smacker appeals to me that morning and leave the house, but now I want to match my lip colour to my eye shadow. As I like purple shadows, I am stocking up on pinks and mauves to go with the looks. So far, I have Lavshuca's Moist Melting Bar in PK-5 and RS-2 and Kate's Rouge Luster in PK-3 on my list. I'd also like one of the(seemingly popular) Coffret d'Or Rouge Glow lipsticks in RS-244 it was, I believe, but that's coming later...