Quick tip

Hello, readers! (Does anyone actually read my blog? ^^;)

Sorry for the long absence, but real life was a bit tough lately. >.<

I will continue my foundation series and also try to post looks soon, but for now, let me ask you a quick question.
Do you sometimes have products you really like, but find kind of expensive?
This trick doesn't work all the time, of course, but if you have an expensive hair treatment, for example, that contains a certain oil, you could try to buy that oil in pure form and use it instead of the expensive treatment that probably has a lot of unnecessary ingredients. This also works if you want to avoid some ingredients that bother you in your favourite product.

At the moment, I am using camellia (tsubaki) oil as a hair treatment. For my face, I like to use pure (well, as pure as they sell it) aloe vera gel (at the moment Nature Republic's - my third pot!) You can use aloe vera for so many purposes, facial moisture, instead of body lotion, after a day in the sun (even with sunscreen, the skin often gets dried out by the burning sun >.<) or even on your hair. I also use pure jojoba oil and so far, it doesn't break me out like many oil-based moisturizers do.
If you want to use a serum based on lemon/vitamin c, but are worried about its shelf life - use a fresh lemon! I like to mix lemon juice into my (almost daily) yoghurt mask at night.

I hope these tips come in handy for some of you!
Have a great summer!


  1. Hello Julia!

    My grandmother always uses fresh aloe vera all over her face and body! It seems to work perfectly fine for her but I have yet to give it a go as I'm so far away from where she lives =( I would love to try facial oils such as jojoba or even rose hip but I'm really worried about getting oil seeds (I have some on my face thanks to L'occitane's overly rich facial products)

    Thanks for the fresh lemon tip! I'll definitely give it a go =) You have a great summer yourself! The weather in Kent is being bipolar all over again with it being extremely humid in the morning and then it rains all of a sudden =( Hopefully the weather in Germany's a lot better! xx

  2. Thank you for your comment, S! <3

    You can buy (almost) pure aloe vera gel from different companies. There should be at least one near your place, too. :)
    I think jojoba oil is good even for acne-prone skin. In fact, I had a really ugly and itchy break-out last week, partly due to (psychological) stress, but probably also partly due to my skin being dried out. I used aloe vera gel every morning and night, but without any oil keeping the moisture in, the skin does lose quite a lot of it, it seems. So I applied a few drops of jojoba oil on top and my skin looked a felt a lot more relaxed pretty soon.
    Of course, I can't speak for your skin, but maybe the L'Occitane products combined too many (different) oils or or the other ingredentients were too much?

    I like the lemon/yoghurt mask, but if I overdo it, my skin becomes a bit irritated. Once or twice a week is enough, I guess, and the rest is plain yoghurt. :)

    We've been having a strange "rainy season" in Germany, too, with sudden short showers. Then it was really hot for some days, and yesterday, when my school (I'm an intern at a school) had planned to go to the beach, it got really cold and drizzled the whole time. :( Well, I guess we can't gain control over the weather, can we? ^^;

    Thanks again for stopping by!


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