My first GMarket order
... and maybe my last. ^^;
I had ordered an IPKN BB Cream Kathi in LotusPalace had recommended as being really pale (although I've come to think that her definition of pale isn't as white as mine) containing aloe vera, which I am a sucker for anyway, plus two tubes of aloe vera gel at a really good price - or at least I thought.
My BB Cream got cancelled last week due to insufficient supplies. Really, they noticed that weeks after I ordered? Why do they put the item out for sale then, anyway? I did get a refund for the item price, but not for the estimated shipping fee I had paid in advance. I didn't get anything back now that the parcel has arrived, either, although it should have been considerably lighter without the BB cream. But still, they put the one small package from the other seller into an unncessarily huge package and sent that to me. No wonder shipping costs an arm and a leg at Gmarket! -.-
Turns out the two aloe vera gels I had thought I'd bought had other items in the same auctions and I ended up buying one sunscreen instead. O.o Okay, I blame this on my inability to read Korean and I wanted a new sunscreen anyway - although I like to choose them myself due to ingredients my skin can't tolerate and my desire for proper sun protection, i.e. a sunscreen containing zinc oxide. But well. I also got a whole lot of samples, one Beauty Friends sheet mask (I like them and have ordered several on ebay so far, although herb wasn't my first choice), a mini skincare trial kit (uh oh, sensitive skin - but it might come in handy for travelling, although one of the bottles only says "skin" (the other says emulsion) and I have no idea what I shall out it for) and three sample sachets of what I think is a body wash or shampoo - again, I can't read Korean at all. ^^;
So yeah, I'm a tad frustrated and probably won't buy on GMarket again unless there is an item I really want and can't get elsewhere. Everything else, I will keep buying on ebay, even if the prices are higher, but the shipping on GMarket really adds up and the whole cancellation thing is annoying.
What are your experiences with GMarket?
I had ordered an IPKN BB Cream Kathi in LotusPalace had recommended as being really pale (although I've come to think that her definition of pale isn't as white as mine) containing aloe vera, which I am a sucker for anyway, plus two tubes of aloe vera gel at a really good price - or at least I thought.
My BB Cream got cancelled last week due to insufficient supplies. Really, they noticed that weeks after I ordered? Why do they put the item out for sale then, anyway? I did get a refund for the item price, but not for the estimated shipping fee I had paid in advance. I didn't get anything back now that the parcel has arrived, either, although it should have been considerably lighter without the BB cream. But still, they put the one small package from the other seller into an unncessarily huge package and sent that to me. No wonder shipping costs an arm and a leg at Gmarket! -.-
Turns out the two aloe vera gels I had thought I'd bought had other items in the same auctions and I ended up buying one sunscreen instead. O.o Okay, I blame this on my inability to read Korean and I wanted a new sunscreen anyway - although I like to choose them myself due to ingredients my skin can't tolerate and my desire for proper sun protection, i.e. a sunscreen containing zinc oxide. But well. I also got a whole lot of samples, one Beauty Friends sheet mask (I like them and have ordered several on ebay so far, although herb wasn't my first choice), a mini skincare trial kit (uh oh, sensitive skin - but it might come in handy for travelling, although one of the bottles only says "skin" (the other says emulsion) and I have no idea what I shall out it for) and three sample sachets of what I think is a body wash or shampoo - again, I can't read Korean at all. ^^;
So yeah, I'm a tad frustrated and probably won't buy on GMarket again unless there is an item I really want and can't get elsewhere. Everything else, I will keep buying on ebay, even if the prices are higher, but the shipping on GMarket really adds up and the whole cancellation thing is annoying.
What are your experiences with GMarket?
Sorry to hear your bad experience with Gmarket, Julia! :(
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised though. That site is horrible for people who can't read or write Korean. It's so un-user-friendly. I didn't even want to entertain the thought of trying it out, despite everyone telling me how cheap things are. I used to be a seller so I care a lot about customer service - to be able to respond to customer promptly is a biggie for me! :)
There are many complaints over the cancelled items too. It's horrible that they list things as in stock and then cancel on you but fail to refund the difference in shipping!
I tend to shop on ebay with a trusted seller because of that too.
ohhh, sad to hear :( Ich hatte bisher nur gute erfahrungen mit gmarket, deshalb schockt mich das hier schon. hätte nicht gedacht, dass das passieren könnte, dann wiederum, ich arbeite auch im online shopping bereich, und kann nur bestätigen, dass dies den besten firmen passieren kann.. manchmal kommt man mit dem updaten nicht hinterher.
ReplyDeleteden blog Beauty-Box-Online kenn ich noch nicht, werd ich aber gleich mal googlen :) mit dem Job's Tear Gel bin ich sehr zu frieden grad, noch kein Breakout so far ^^
und nun hast du mich neugierig gemacht, was sekkisei angeht :D wird auch gleich mal recherchiert :D werd dich ma followen :P
btw :) komme auch aus Berlin und werd im Januar nach Tokyo aufgrund von Arbeit hinziehen :D YAY,... ich hab Tokyooo soooo sehr vermisst :)
ReplyDeleteEine Berlinerin! Und du arbeitest dann im Shopping-Bereich in Tokyo? Oder machst du da was anderes?
ReplyDeleteTokyo... *seufz*
Die Lotion von Sekkisei ist ja DER Klassiker, hat aber ziemlich viel Alkohol, während die von Tosekki sozusagen das billigere alkoholfreie Pendant ist.
Ich "follow" dich/dir jetzt auch mal. xD
:))) Brightener und Whitening Effekt sind nicht dasselbe :)) Während beim Whitening die Haut regelrecht gebleached wird, sorgt das Brightening für einen strahlenden Teint.Ist mir beim Testen jedenfalls aufgefallen, dass meine Haut regelrecht gestrahlt hat :D (the glooow und so radiant rofl) Hab ab und an mit fahlem Teint zu kämpfen -__-...
ReplyDeleteIch werde nicht im Shoppingbereich arbeiten ^^ (haha wie bist du denn darauf gekommen? :P) sondern eher im Management Bereich einer japanischen Firma :P Da ich aber noch so jung bin, werd ich aber erst nur als personal Sekretärin anfangen ^^ und im Event Managementbereich organisieren... hüstel. Danke fürs followen :)
ich verplan es immer wieder, hier zu antworten xD:
ReplyDeleteGegen Narbenaufheller hab ich auch nichts :) Ich hab nichts dagegen, aber ich achte bei Cremes jetzt nicht unbedingt akribisch darauf, dass sie unbedingt Arbutin enthalten, um die Haut chemisch aufzuhellen ^^;;; Wir haben in Berlin nicht mal annähernd Sonne, um Braun zu werden *g* Was mir manchmal nur Angst macht, sind die Koreaner die so übertrieben weiß sind :/ Meine Schwägerin ist praktisch süchtig nach weißer Haut. Ihre Haut ist bereits so "geschädigt", dass sie immer gepflegt werden muss. Und sobald sie aus dem Haus geht, und das eincremen vergessen hat, reagiert die Haut sehr empfindlich auf Sonnenlicht und ist gereizt :/ nicht cool ... Wie immer muss mal wieder alles in Maßen genossen werden...^^;
Ich hab mir die Sekkisei Lotion mal vorgemert für meinen Tokyotrip :D Dann werd ich die mir holen. Klingt nämlich vielversprechend, was ich bisher gelesen hab :)
haha, ditto. seh ich genauso :D ich benutze auch immer sonnenschutz um mich vor zu starker uv belastung zu schützen, aber ich würde niiie meine haut nachträglich noch bleichen wollen, wie es einst MJ tat =_= haha aber verbrannte hühnchen sind in der tat noch schlimmer und künstlicher xD wie kommts, dass die sich schon trauen einem sowas zu sagen oO
ReplyDeleteach kklar kudamm :D wird auch überall so geschrieben.. XD