About acne - blog recommendation

I had acne when I was a teenager. I openly admit that, because everything else is hypocritical and kind of stupid, because most of us probably had acne or at least a few breakouts.

Well, I can easily admit that I am still getting breakouts from time to time now, and I still have red spots left on my face, which really pop because I'm so white, so I still have to wear foundation to get an even finish. (Although I am proud to say that yesterday morning, I went out without make-up for the first time in years. It was 7 in the morning, though, and I just went to the convenience store. ^^;) Wish me luck my skin will stay like that and the red spots will fade over time!

Anyway, for those who are still fighting acne, be it as teens or adults, you might want to take a look at this blog and especially at the post I have linked to here:
Click yourself through the site and the articles that are linked from this post and under the "acne" category. The author gives some extremely helpful tips!


  1. Thanks for linking to my site:) The red spots will definitely fade! Some of my red spots lasted over a year but they eventually went away and I don't have any left now.

  2. Thank YOU for writing all that really helpful stuff!
    Unfortunately, every new zit leaves a new red spot. ^^;


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